Modus Architects/Jeremy Humphries to Develop New Visitor Centre at The Nautical Museum Castletown
Plans for a new visitor centre in Castletown moves forward with consultant selection. The Modus Architects team will draw upon its experience to design a museum building that will house the fully restored Peggy.
Manx national heritage has selected a consultant team to lead the development of a New Visitor Centre at The Nautical Museum in Castletown to display a 18th-century schooner.
The museum, which will be located at the Nautical Museum, plans to bring together history and community that will further enhance the interest in the legacy of The Quayle Family. Manx National Heritage, who owns the building after its donation by The Quayle Family, has selected local architect Jeremy Humphries from Modus Architects to serve as the architectural and creative consultant to this project.
“This Museum and community space is an incredibly important investment not only for the future of the Peggy, but for Castletown and the Isle of Man as well,” commented Jeremy Humphries, Modus Architects Director-in-Charge. “I am excited to continue moving this project forward and I am confident in our vision for a space that will become a destination for locals and visitors alike.”
“Historically, the nautical museum buildings were not only a homestead but also a centre of innovation,” said Jeremy. “At a time where museums are increasingly serving as dynamic spaces that engage both local communities and global audiences, we are looking forward to working with the MNH to transform the Nautical Museum Building into a catalyst for Castletowns cultural and civic renaissance.”